
Early Signs of Glaucoma

The eyes are one of the most crucial sensory organs in human beings. This is why it is vital to take care of your eyes and visit an eye doctor regularly. Common eye diseases, like glaucoma, can have negative effects if left untreated and can lead to blindness. At University Eye Associates, our optometrists will make sure your eyes stay healthy and function correctly. We have locations in Charlotte, Davidson, and Harrisburg, NC. Our team can detect signs and symptoms of glaucoma and help preserve your vision.

Common Glaucoma Symptoms

Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases that damage your optic nerve. When fluid cannot drain from your eye, it causes a continuous buildup of pressure. This can eventually lead to blindness if undiagnosed or untreated. The damage from glaucoma is irreversible, but progression can be prevented with proper treatment. Glaucoma often times has no symptoms in its early stages, which is why it’s important to monitor your eye health and get regular checkups. However, advanced glaucoma can cause the following symptoms:

Loss of Peripheral Vision

Poor peripheral or “side vision” is one of the early signs of glaucoma. Sometimes this can be referred to as “tunnel vision.” This vision cannot be recovered once it is lost. If you notice any changes in your peripheral vision, you should get your eyes checked right away.

Headaches and Eye Pain

Due to high eye pressure, those with glaucoma may experience headaches and eye pain. For this reason, you should visit one of our locations when you experience unexplained headaches and pain around the eyes.

Nausea and Vomiting

While many factors can lead to nausea and vomiting, be wary of nausea accompanied by severe eye pain. It is often an early symptom of glaucoma.

Halo Vision

When you see rainbow-like images around lights, or your eyes are oddly sensitive to light, you may be experiencing a symptom of glaucoma. Come in to see our eye doctors for a diagnosis.

Visit One of Our Facilities 

Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of vision loss. Many people lose their vision from glaucoma because the disease is discovered too late. At University Eye Associates, we can diagnose symptoms of glaucoma and help you stay on top of your eye health. With locations in Charlotte, Davidson, and Harrisburg, NC, you won’t have to travel far. Call us today to schedule an appointment.

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